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Join our Webinars

Find out about the latest breakthroughs in clinical diagnostics and get valuable insights from international healthcare experts. With the goal of improving patient management in critical care settings, we have created a series of webinars that look at the latest diagnostic innovations and how they influence the clinical practice today. 

Upcoming Webinars:


Management of Acute Dialysis

Practice-Oriented Management of Acute Dialysis in Cardiac Surgery Patients: Strategies and Challenges in Clinical Practice

Speaker: Ap. Prof. PD DDr. Martin Bernardi, Medical University of Vienna

On demand Webinars:


Kidney Recovery

Role of Proenkephalin in Assessing Recovery from AKI and AKI-D

Speaker: Dr. Christian Nußhag, Heidelberg University Hospital


Kidney Transplantation

Proenkephalin A 119–159 (penKid) as a Promising New Biomarker Candidate for Early Detection of Delayed Graft Function After Kidney Transplantation

Speaker: Dr. Christian Nußhag, Heidelberg University Hospital


Kidney function

The Implementation of a Novel Kidney Function Biomarker in Clinical Routine

Speaker: Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Gernot Marx | Head of the Department of Intensive Care Medicine and Intermediate Care at the University Hospital RWTH Aachen


Acute Heart Failure

Using bio-ADM and penKid for Optimization of AHF Management in Daily Clinical Practice

Speaker: Prof. John Parissis MD, PhD, Attikon General Hospital, Head of University Clinic of Emergency Medicine, University of Athens, Greece


Glomerular Filtration Rate

Using Proenkephalin as a Novel Biomarker to Estimate GFR

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Peter Pickkers, Professor of Intensive Care Medicine at the Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Webinar Series: Use of Biomarkers in the Emergency Department



Point-of-care Diagnostics in the Emergency Department: Better Patient Management

Speaker: Prof. Salvatore Di Somma, MD PhD; University La Sapienza Rome


Acute Kidney Injury

Overcoming the Limitations of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Diagnostics in the Emergency Department: the Biomarker Proenkephalin for Early Recognition of AKI

Speaker: Prof. Salvatore Di Somma, MD PhD; University La Sapienza Rome



Sepsis in the Emergency Department: Recognizing High-Risk Patients With the Biomarker Bioactive Adrenomedullin

Speaker: Prof. Salvatore Di Somma, MD PhD; University La Sapienza Rome


The information presented on the webinar(s) is meant for healthcare professionals only. The information provided does not claim to be exhaustive and is not intended to serve as medical advice, substitute for a doctor’s appointment, or be used for diagnosing or treating a disease.