The Implementation of a Novel Kidney Function Biomarker in Clinical Routine
Speaker: Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Gernot Marx, University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Germany
Even though AKI affects 1 in 3 patients in the intensive care units, there is a significant unmet need generated by late and unspecific standard diagnostic tools. With the goal of obtaining a more prompt and precise detection of worsening and improvement of kidney function, the Clinic for Operative Intensive Care and Intermediate Care at University Hospital RWTH Aachen has implemented an innovative biomarker in the clinical routine.
Prof. Dr. Gernot Marx discusses the change in practice needed to implement the kidney function biomarker Proenkephalin A 119-159 (penKid) in the daily routine. He will also approach the clinical applications where penKid shows potential to improve patient management.
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Show more InfoProf. Dr. Gernot Marx, MD, FRCA is full Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine and Chair at the University RWTH Aachen, Germany. He is Head of the Department of Intensive Care Medicine and Intermediate Care at the University Hospital RWTH Aachen. He is former president of the interdisciplinary German Society of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI). He is full board member of the German Society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. He is involved in the German initiative of Medical Informatics as well as several EU funded projects (SMART4Health & ICU4Covid). In 2018 he was elected as chair of Innovation centre for digital medicine in Aachen.
He graduated and took his residency at the Medizinische Hochschule Hannover in Germany. He was Senior Lecturer in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine at the University of Liverpool, UK and full Professor for Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany. He received the Fellowship by election of the Royal College of Anaesthetists. His research interest is focused on sepsis, AI and telemedicine. Prof. Marx has published more than 200 peer-reviewed papers. He is Editor of various books and Editor in Chief of intensivup2date. In 2021 he received the national prize for patient safety for his telemedicine projects.

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