Using Proenkephalin as a Novel Biomarker to Estimate GFR
Speaker: Prof. Peter Pickkers, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
The standard of care to determine kidney function has significant limitations, including late detection of changes in kidney function and the influence of non-renal factors on its results. The biomarker Proenkephalin provides a solution to assess changes in kidney function earlier compared to creatinine.
Prof. Peter Pickkers (Radboud University, Nijmegen) presents the research background alongside a new GFR formula that translates penKid concentrations into an estimated GFR for the routine clinical use initially in adults.
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Show more InfoPeter Pickkers is Professor of Intensive Care Medicine at the Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen, the Netherlands. He qualified as MD (1991) and completed his residency in Internal and Intensive Care Medicine at the Radboud University Nijmegen. In 2000 he received his doctorate, titled ‘Vascular effects of diuretics’, cum laude. His research focuses on pharmacological modulation of the innate immune response in translational models and patients, and the consequences for organ function, with a focus on the kidney and brain. Up to now, he co-authored over 500 articles and over 30 book chapters and 29 PhD projects were completed under his supervision.
With over 2000 human endotoxemia experiments performed, he leads the most active group using this human in vivo model of inflammation worldwide. He has given invited lectures at all major meetings in the field of intensive care medicine and nephrology. He cooperates with various international experts in the field of sepsis and nephrology and has participated in several guidelines and steering committees.
He is on the editorial board of Intensive Care Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine Experimental and Shock. He is co-founder and chair of SepsisNet, a national organization to improve awareness of sepsis (2017-present), and co-founder and executive board member Research Collaboration in Critical Care in the Netherlands (RCCNet) (2018-present).

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